
The Good Life

Created by White Owls Inc.

The Good Life is a new video game co-developed by SWERY and Yukio Futatsugi, along with their teams at White Owls and G-rounding.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at The Good Life's development! - The Good Lifeを開発している風景を公開!
about 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 06, 2018 at 10:00:10 AM

Today we're presenting you with a behind-the-scenes look at The Good Life's development. While SWERY and Futatsugi are at PAX, the dev team back in Japan is working super hard!

We're doing our best to work together in order to create a product that will satisfy everyone. Please keep giving us your support!

今回はThe Good Lifeの開発風景をお届けします!



Discord Channel

Fans have taken upon themselves to open a Discord channel about The Good Life.
This space is made by fans and maintained by fans, and while we will be there from time to time, always keep in mind this is not an official space.

But. This is a great space to meet likely minded friends and to share your excitement about the game:

ファンの皆さんがThe Good Lifeに関するDiscordのチャンネルを作ってくれたようです。
ここでは積極的にThe Good Life について議論が可能ですし、クリエイターと直接やり取りができるかもしれません。良ければ覗いてみてください。

Thank you for all the fan art!!

All of your fan art has given our dev team a huge burst of inspiration!
We're so happy, we'd like to showcase a handful of the art right here!





We're always looking for more fan art!
We'll keep introducing fan art as it comes in, so please help us keep the creativity flowing for The Good Life's campaign!

これからも順番に紹介していきますので、The Good Lifeキャンペーンをわたしたちと一緒に盛り上げていきましょう!!

#FanArtOfTheGoodLife #fanartofthegoodlife

I Love You All!!

The Good Life is coming to PAX EAST 2018! - The Good lifeをPAX East 2018に出展!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 05, 2018 at 10:02:44 AM

 The Good Life will be at PAX East 2018 in Boston, MA (USA)!

Every day during the event, you'll be able to check out gameplay footage from the Good Life. SWERY will also be giving a special talk session! If you're interested, please check out the details!


The Good Life - Kickstarter Stage

April 5, 2018 (Thurs.) to April 8, 2018 (Sun.)
Every day from 12 PM to 2 PM (EST)

ROOM 103

SWERY and Futatsugi will play The Good Life on the Kickstarter stage. This will be the first time in the world that anyone ever gets to see The Good Life in motion! We'll be doing this every day, so please stop by!


SWERY Micro Talk
"Best practice of making good coffee."

April 6, 2018 (Fri.)
5:30 pm to 6:00 pm (EST)

ROOM 103

SWERY will give a talk on how to make good coffee.
If you come and listen, SWERY may even make some fresh coffee for you!


The Good Life's awesomeness is going to invade PAX EAST 2018, so if you're attending the event, please stop by and say hi!

Please continue your support of The Good Life on Kickstarter! Thank you so much!

The Good lifeをアメリカ・ボストンで開催される「PAX East 2018」に出展!

会場ではThe Good Lifeのゲームプレイを毎日見ることが出来ます。


The Good Life - Kickstarterステージ

2018年4月5日 (木) ~ 2018年4月8日 (日) 
毎日 12:00 ~ 14:00 (現地時間)

ROOM 103

SWERYと二木氏がKickstarterのステージで、The Good Lifeをプレイします。
実際に動くThe Good Lifeを見ることが出来るのは、このステージが世界初!


SWERY Micro Talk
「美味しいコーヒーの淹れ方("Best practice of making good coffee.")」

2018年4月6日 (金)
17:30 ~ 18:00 (現地時間)

ROOM 103



The Good Lifeの魅力に溢れるステージとなっております。
PAX EAST 2018へご来場される方はお見逃しなく。

Kickstarterキャンペーン中のThe Good Life、皆さん応援よろしくお願いします。

Discord Channel
Fans have taken upon themselves to open a Discord channel about The Good Life. This space is made by fans and maintained by fans, and while we will be there from time to time, always keep in mind this is not an official space.

But. This is a great space to meet likely minded friends and to share your excitement about the game:

ファンの皆さんがThe Good Lifeに関するDiscordのチャンネルを作ってくれたようです。
ここでは積極的にThe Godd Lifen について議論が可能ですし、クリエイターと直接やり取りができるかもしれません。良ければ覗いてみてください。

Thank you for all the fan art!!
All of your fan art has given our dev team a huge burst of inspiration!
We're so happy, we'd like to showcase a handful of the art right here!


We're always looking for more fan art!
We'll keep introducing fan art as it comes in, so please help us keep the creativity flowing for The Good Life's campaign!
#FanArtOfTheGoodLife #fanartofthegoodlife

これからも順番に紹介していきますので、The Good Lifeキャンペーンをわたしたちと一緒に盛り上げていきましょう!!
#FanArtOfTheGoodLife #fanartofthegoodlife

I Love You All!!

New partner announcement!! - 新パートナー発表!!
about 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 10:02:31 AM

We are proud to announce that a new partner has joined The Good Life project: Limited Run!

They will be producing the Physical Collector's Edition, which will be included in every tier from $130 and up.

That should give you an idea of just how high the quality will be!

If you are not familiar with Limited Run, they create and sell limited run of physical editions of video games. You can find out more about them on their website:

We will reveal more about the content of the Physical Collector's Edition shortly.

With the support of Limited Run, we're positive that our campaign is just going to keep getting better -- and we hope you're just as excited as we are!


我々はThe Good Lifeのプロジェクトへ新しいパートナーを迎えることを発表します。
新しいパートナーは【Limited Run】です!

¥13,000以上の全てのリワードに含まれる【フィジカルコレクターズエディション】は彼らがプロデュースし、制作します。 もう、クオリティはおわかりですよね?

Limited Runを知らない人のための簡単な紹介をここでします。

そして、気になるフィジカルコレクターズエディションの中身ですが、そちらはもうちょっとしたら公開します。 期待してお待ちください!


The Good Life - Preview

Superconsole did an awesome preview video for The Good Life on Youtube!
Thanks so much for the support!!

SuperconsoleよりThe Good Lifeをご紹介していただきました!

Discord Channel

Fans have taken upon themselves to open a Discord channel about The Good Life.
This space is made by fans and maintained by fans, and while we will be there from time to time, always keep in mind this is not an official space.

But. This is a great space to meet likely minded friends and to share your excitement about the game:

ファンの皆さんがThe Good Lifeに関するDiscordのチャンネルを作ってくれたようです。
ここでは積極的にThe Godd Lifen について議論が可能ですし、クリエイターと直接やり取りができるかもしれません。良ければ覗いてみてください。

Friends of The Good Life 

The wonderful people at Failbetter Games have kindly spread the word around about The Good Life campaign. It seems only fair to return the favour and to invite you to have a look at their latest game, SUNLESS SKIES, currently in Early Access on Steam:

You get to explore a very different British empire, a Victorian civilisation that has taken to the stars.

Failbetter Games の皆さんがThe Good Lifeのキャンペーンについて、彼らのアップデートで触れてくれたようです。
彼らのゲーム、SUNLESS SKIESは現在、Steamでアーリーアクセス中です。

The Good Lifeとはまた違った英国のビクトリア王朝を舞台にしたゲームです。

Naomi's stats cover many different aspects of daily life! - ナオミの生活感あふれるリアルなパラメーター
about 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 10:05:08 AM

The Good Life is a new genre of game - a debt repayment daily life action/adventure game, and also possesses many daily life sim elements. One core element of the game are Naomi's stats. She has a ton of them, and today we've decided to reveal a handful!

Life:Naomi's vitality. If you get hurt or start to starve, Naomi's life will deplete. In this game, however, it's impossible to die. Instead, when Naomi's life reaches 0, she'll be taken to the hospital and you'll have to pay an expensive medical bill.

Stamina:Stamina is what allows Naomi to get things done. Every action she performs in the game will consume a certain amount of stamina. Naomi can keep doing things even after she runs out of stamina, but this will make her become super slow, and if she keeps it up, she may lose the ability to regain stamina altogether. Naomi can recover from exhaustion by sleeping.

Hunger:Naomi is human (and a very healthy young woman), so she needs to eat every day. She'll get hungry about 3-4 times a day and warn you, the player. The hungrier she gets, the more warnings you'll receive. You'll need to feed her a ton in order to get rid of a lot of hunger! It's okay to ignore a little hunger, but if you ignore it for too long, Naomi will start to starve and lose life. Starving Naomi over and over will cause her stomach to shrink, which will decrease the warnings...but it will also decrease her maximum life.

Sleepiness:Sleepiness is a stat that increases under certain conditions, such as night time, when Naomi starts to stare off into space, when she's stuck in a boring conversation, or when she gets full. There are many different ways for Naomi to get sleepy, and if she gets too sleepy she'll become sleep deprived, which will decrease her max stamina.

Inebriation:Naomi loves to drink! Consuming alcohol can instantly alleviate Naomi of all her hunger and sleepiness. But if you rely on alcohol too much instead of doing proper maintenance, Naomi will become an alcoholic who depends on alcohol in order to survive. But you may be able to enter a special facility and pay an expensive fee in order to cure yourself of this ailment...

Beauty Care:Naomi is a woman from New York, one of the world's most cutting-edge cities. Therefore, it's only natural that she takes good care of herself every morning and every night. Polish Naomi well, otherwise she'll lose all her beauty and end up as a filthy flytrap!

You'll still be able to walk around as a flytrap, but I wonder what the villagers will think of her then...? Although, Rainy Woods is pretty far out in the sticks... Maybe most of them just won't care!

The Good Lifeは【借金返済生活アクションアドベンチャー】という新ジャンルですが、多くの点で生活SIMの側面を持っています。中でも特徴的なのが、ナオミのパラメータです。ナオミにはイロイロなパラメータが設定されています。その例を幾つかお伝えしましょう!






美容:ナオミは世界最先端都市ニューヨークの女性です。毎晩、毎朝、きちんとお手入れをして美しさを保って置きましょう。 そうでなければどんどん女性らしさを失って、最期にはハエの集ったみすぼらしい状態になってしまいますよ!もちろんその状態でも行動可能ですが、果たしてそんなナオミを住人はどう思っているのでしょうね?

まあ、超ド田舎のRainy Woodsでそれを気にしている人がどれほど居るかは謎ですけどね。

Thank you for all the fan art!!

All of your fan art has given our dev team a huge burst of inspiration!

We're so happy, we'd like to showcase a handful of the art right here!

We're always looking for more fan art!
We'll keep introducing fan art as it comes in, so please help us keep the creativity flowing for The Good Life's campaign!
#FanArtOfTheGoodLife #fanartofthegoodlife

I Love You All!!


これからも順番に紹介していきますので、The Good Lifeキャンペーンをわたしたちと一緒に盛り上げていきましょう!!
#FanArtOfTheGoodLife #fanartofthegoodlife

I Love You All!!

Introducing...Naomi's profile! - 主人公「ナオミ」のプロフィールを公開!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 10:01:13 AM

Today we're presenting to you all the details on The Good Life's main character, Naomi!
You may uncover some surprising things about her if you read all the way through...
We hope you'll all take a liking to her!

Name: Naomi

Age: 29

Profession: Photographer/Reporter

Blood Type: AB

Birthday: Oct. 31

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY, USA (She's a Brooklynite)

Education: She first declared her major as Journalism when she entered NYU, but switched over to Photography after 3 days. Later, she dropped out entirely.

Interests: Brand name sunglasses, messing with cameras

Likes: Drinking, using the washing machine, taking walks on rainy days, robotic vacuum cleaners

Dislikes: Not being able to drink, hanging up laundry to dry, and folding it,  taking an umbrella out on rainy days, cleaning

Favorite foods: Green tea, caffe latte, burritos, pancakes, eggs benedict, black tap milkshakes
*We intend to let you select her favorite food within the game.

Favorite music: Nirvana, Green Day (But she also secretly likes Justin Bieber and One Direction)

Favorite sports: Basketball (Brooklyn Nets)

*Please note that this information is all subject to change!

本日はThe Good Lifeの主人公である「ナオミ」のプロフィールをご紹介します!

名前: ナオミ

年齢: 29

職業: 写真家/ルポライター

血液型: AB

誕生日: 10月31日

出身地: アメリカ/ニューヨーク州/ニューヨーク市/ブルックリン区

最終学歴/専攻: ニューヨーク大学中退

趣味: ブランドのサングラス収集/カメラいじり





好きな音楽: ニルヴァーナ/グリーンデイ

好きなスポーツ: バスケットボール(ブルックリン・ネッツ)
